Cheryl Bartley Folk Artist
Folk Art Painter, Cheryl Bartley’s artistic talent was apparent from an early age when she produced her first works of art as a means of communication. Raised by a French Canadian speaking family, she relied on a paintbrush and a box of paint to express herself to her English speaking friends. Her early love of expressing herself with her art resulted in working for over 45 years as a professional artist.
Cheryl unleashes her imagination and creativity from her “Folk Art Spirit” studio in Winsted, Ct.Her preferred medium is acrylic on canvas or wood, and watercolor on paper. The Inspiration for her life long fascination with telling stories with paint is revealed in her folk art spirited creations. Each painting will enchant you with its detailed happy scenes of simpler times. Cheryl utilizes mixtures of vibrant colors to produce scenes from her imagination and actual places that are warm and inviting, vibrant and exciting. Her folk art collection can be seen at her studio in Winsted, Ct and on line
Cheryl holds a B.A. in psychology with a minor in fine art. She teaches art for recreation departments, private venues and hosts painting parties for adults and children in her studio. Cheryl licenses her folk art images through Art Licensing International to manufactures to put on products such as: puzzles, fabric, needle point, home decor, poster, canvas, prints, greeting cards, garden flags, led wall art, and much more.